Free Zebraprint PowerPoint Template

A free presentation template design with a zebraprint background pattern

Free Zebra Print PowerPoint template is another zebra design created for impressive presentations in PowerPoint. You can use this template for any PowerPoint presentation that need a zebra effect. The template has zebra lines in black and white and a space for Presentation Title.

This design was used for multiple purposes, for example the zebra print bedspread has been used in bed or in the other hand the same design was used as zebra print rug or zebra habitat. The zebra print items can be placed inside the slide and you can embed images and charts as well. This template can be used to prepare presentations on Zebra facts as well as other related presentations like the place where Zebra live, for example in Africa.

Alternatively, you can download other free zebra PowerPoint templates and designs with awesome styles.

PPT Size: 883.4 KB | Downloads: 13,280
