Free Slides Aqua PowerPoint for Online Meetings

Free Slides Aqua PowerPoint template is a nice template for PowerPoint 2010 or 2003 presentations that can be used as simple template or resume template including your CV in the slides. Also can be used as background for online presentations or online conferences. People may use this for web conferencing or any other business communication PowerPoint. One of the possible applications of this background is when you create online meetings or seminar presentations.

Seminars usually require an elegant and plausible PowerPoint design for their presentations, so why not to use this one? This can be categorized as part of the conference presentations collection. This slide design is good for resume PowerPoint templates or company letterhead in PowerPoint, alternatively you can download other free presentation templates and slides from FPPT. This aqua PowerPoint template can be used for other interesting purposes like global PowerPoint presentations and more.

PPT Size: 125.0 KB | Downloads: 11,076
