Free Lights PPT Template

Deliver a presentation on ceiling fixtures and more with free Lights PPT Template. The master slide features decorative lamp shades for a romantic setting. PowerPoint themes featuring items such as modern ceiling drum shades and ceiling fixtures can be found under the free Decor PPT slides tag. Make use of this theme if you are a student of Fine Arts, Interior Decoration, or you are simply sharing decor ideas for your home. Just write down miscellaneous details of the decorative items or compare using  bulletted lists and comparison lists in the inner slides.

Download free Lights PPT Template for Microsoft PowerPoint as part of Office 2016 or Office 365 suite for Mac and PC. This is a dark theme fit for sending a personalized Invitation out to colleagues for a party or Dinner to live up the moment.

PPT Size: 2.6 MiB | Downloads: 107,367
