Free Green Forest PowerPoint Template

A presentation design related to Save the Trees movements

This is a free Forest PowerPoint template with green background suitable for presentations on topics related to afforestation but also for green or ecologic presentations. The forest has green trees and grass and you can download it for free. You can download free Forest PowerPoint templates and backgrounds for green presentations and nature projects. This free landscape trace with colors can be used in nature PowerPoint presentations and slide designs. The slide design is decorated with a tile of trees and bushes in the background template.

You can put the presentation title using white color for the font face. This PPT template can also be used in case you need woodland, timberland or vegetation PowerPoint presentations. In this presentation template, you can add popular quotes like “see the forest through the trees” or alternatively download other free forest PowerPoint templates and slide designs with trees and wooden backgrounds.

The template can also be used for presentations related to campaigns to save trees, for example to present the Chipko movement.

PPT Size: 391.5 KB | Downloads: 117,090
