Free Workman PowerPoint Template
A technical worker background design for PPT presentations
Free Workman PowerPoint Template is a technical design for presentations on the topic of labor and hard work. Doing welding works in domestic buildings, official constructions and other mechanical and civil engineering related projects can use this template design for PPT presentations. The template image is showing an artisan in labor uniform and framing the job assigned to him. The hard work in the template can also be felt and a skilled worker is featured on this PowerPoint template design.
The illustration can be placed in the background of the main slide design for making discussions on some particular topic of welding work, architectural skills, or framing the machinery parts. The template design is also suitable for showing the hard life of labor and love for work can also be gauged in this template image. It can also be used to prepare presentations for Labor Code on Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Human Resource PowerPoint topics, or Work Schedules in PowerPoint.
You can download the slide template design and can customize it with the help of Microsoft PowerPoint. The template design has both the aspect ratios of 16:9 and 4:3 for the user’s choice. Alternatively, there are other skilled worker PowerPoint template designs on this website for your choice.