Free Waiting Hall PowerPoint Template
An original waiting hall background design for PowerPoint presentation

Waiting rooms and halls are part of buildings where people stay for a certain time till the start or end of a meeting or purpose. There are many types of waiting halls, e.g, small room, a large hall with chairs or small benches. The main title slide for the PPT presentation with the image of a waiting hall and a man sitting alone will be suitable for the presentations on the use of waiting halls, small waiting rooms, meeting halls constructed in office buildings.
Free Waiting Hall PowerPoint Template can also be considered as an example for the presentations on the topic that waiting for long in a hall could be more boring and exhausting. The dark color and lonely environment will be suitable for the use of waiting halls and late sitting in waiting rooms. The slide design has an image of an executive waiting for a meeting or his next flight at the airport. While he waits, he is checking the online calendar with his upcoming meetings in his smartphone.
You can use this template designs for presentations on the construction of waiting rooms, waiting hall attached with offices, and capacity of waiting hall. Four slide designs are ready to be placed in the title slides or other consecutive slides to showcase the discussion material. The templates are editable and easy to be customized with the help of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office 365. Alternatively, there are many other buildings related template designs on this website.