Free Table Setting PowerPoint Template

For a charming and elegant PowerPoint presentation, this Free Table Setting PowerPoint Template is for you.

Featuring a vibrant lime green and white color scheme, this Free Table Setting PowerPoint template exudes appeal and adds more beauty to your presentation. It has a high-definition image of a table setting complete with the utensils and napkin. It also has an added special touch with a beautiful handmade accessory. As you go over the slides, you’ll see a beautifully cohesive theme that also gives way to your content, allowing you space to personalize and fill each slide.

Whether you’re going to present about fine dining, hospitality, restaurant or food industry, this template is perfect. It can also be used for topics on weddings, table setting, catering, business, tourism, food recipes, and so many more.

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PPT Size: 477.4 KB | Downloads: 12,972

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