Free Mobile Technology PowerPoint Template

An awesome smartphone background design for PowerPoint presentation

Information Technology and communication devices have made tremendous progress in the field of technology. Free Mobile Technology PowerPoint Template is a wonderful background design for business presentation on communication or advance cell phone devices. The presentations developed for promotion or discussions on smartphones, notebooks, iPhones, laptops, or any digital communication devices can use it as the main slide design or in the background of slides. The template design with the image of different smartphones and the bluish background is a wonderful kind for the theme.

This free presentation template for PowerPoint can be used by entrepreneurs or market research companies to produce presentations on Smart technology and mobile technology growth as well as mobile eCommerce presentations.

You can download the template design free of cost and can make it perfect for your presentation by editing it with the help of Microsoft PowerPoint. The design is made compatible with all latest versions of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office 365.

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PPT Size: 580.6 KB | Downloads: 20,652

Download 160731-smartphone-template-16x9.pptx