Free Crochet Flower Button PowerPoint Template
Crochet Flower Button PowerPoint Template is a free flower PowerPoint background with a rose crochet flower button design. You can download this free crochet PowerPoint template background and Rose Swirl PPT theme for those who are looking for free knit PowerPoint template good for crochet presentations or knitting patterns and process in PowerPoint.
Showcase your collection of Crochet patterns with Crochet flower Button PPT theme for PowerPoint 2011 for Keynote (part of iWork suite for Mac). Crochet is a process in which fabric is made through threads or yarn with a hook. Use this light pink master slide to teach crochet techniques, such as the basic patterns, and what makes crochet different from knitting. You can also download other background slide designs for your PPT presentation for Microsoft PPT.
PPT Size: 141.4 KiB | Downloads: 18,427