Free Cinnamon PowerPoint Template

Cinnamon PowerPoint Template is a free green PPT template for foods and presentations on drinks that you can download to decorate your slides with an original slide design. You can download this template to make presentations on Cinnamon for Health or 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon. Remember than Cinnamon has long been a popular spice in baking and cooking. Also, it is important to note that researchers has found that it is not only delicious but it’s healthy.
The benefits of Cinnamon in your diet are:
- Lower Cholesterol. Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.
- Blood Sugar Regulation. Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.
- Yeast Infection Help. In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.
- Cancer Prevention. In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
- Anti-Clotting. It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
- Arthritis Relief. In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.
- Anti-Bacterial. When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.
- Brain Health. One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
- E. Coli Fighter. Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.
- High in Nutrients. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
You can also download this free PPT template if you need Cinnamon images or backgrounds for your presentations.
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