Word Online Template For Making Collaborative Report
Working in a group or as a collaborative partnership with others, whether for school or at work, may have its perks and challenges. Some people like to accomplish tasks alone while others thrive in a group. Still, collaboration is unavoidable, especially in terms of project management or in reports. If you are part of a group that need to pass a collaborative report, then you would find this next template very helpful.
Professionally Designed Collaborative Report Template
The Word Online Template for Making Collaborative Reports is a wonderful tool that can help you get reports done beautifully and professionally. This Word Online Template can be accessed and modified through your browser, or you can have it in your Windows cloud storage, OneDrive, with a Microsoft account. You can also download it to be modified from your computer’s Word application.
However you open and access this template, you can easily make modifications and even add information. The template is designed to look professional and well-put together. The template contains a beautiful title page with a photo of digital microchip in close up view. As is, this template can be used for technology, digital, software, hardware and gadget-related reports. Still, you can change the photo for your own just by deleting the sample photo, then on the Insert tab, click on Picture and look for your own photo in your drive.
Customize The Template for Your Team
In this title page, you can write the title of your report, and even a subtitle or a short description. Here you can also write the name of your team, and the members of the team. If you are a student, you can also easily add the name of your class, semester, instructor’s name, and date.
The next page contains the body of the report, with sample text to show you the format that already comes with this Word Online template. The format makes it clear for you to indicate your topics, subtopics, lists, and many other information. All you have to do is to type in your report and the template already arranges and assigns font styles and formatting settings for you.
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