Visualize Your Ideas To Make Creative Mind Maps With Visual Mind
Visual Mind is a comprehensive mind mapping software for creating elaborate mind maps using readymade templates. Visual mind provides a variety of templates and mind mapping options with a Microsoft Office like Ribbon UI. Unlike common applications of its kind Visual mind makes it possible to save mind maps in various formats so that they can be used in official documents or PowerPoint slides and can be viewed on different devices. Using this software you can save your mind map in RTF format, as a PNG image or even in HTML format. Moreover, using the Visual Mind Server users can collaborate on a mind map with other users in real-time. Visual Mind is not just a software for business professionals but is also ideal for educators and common users looking to visualize their ideas.

Create Mind Maps in A Tabbed Interface With Expandable Sections
Visual Mind provides the utility to work on multiple mind maps in a tabbed interface. you can also create expandable sections to the mind map which may reveal additional information when an item is clicked. This functionality is also provided in the sample mind map that opens up when the application is launched for the first time. For example, clicking on PDF Product Manual shows a PDF file that can be opened for instructions about the software. This is a rare functionality that is often not found in mind mapping and diagram making software and can help enhance a visualization with extra bits of information without using a lot of space for the original mind map.
Create Mind Maps With Readymade Templates
You can quickly create mind maps with readymade templates by editing the existing content to suit your needs. The available templates are quite comprehensive and include templates for business plans, calendars, meeting agendas and the like.
Switch Between Map Styles And Import Data from Excel Spreadsheets
When creating a mind map you can insert items, change font and formatting, insert notes, add symbols, images and subtrees via the Ribbon UI or options in the right-click context menu. When making mind maps you can even import data from Microsoft Excel files and change the map style in just a few clicks.
Save Mind Maps In A Wide Range Of Formats
Once your mind map is complete, you can save it in a variety of formats including; HTML, RTF, TXT, BMP, JPG, PNG and the native VMM and “Visual Mind XML Maps” format.
Visual Mind has different license types with various costs however you can download and try it on a 30-day trial basis. Visual Mind works with the following Windows based operating systems:
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
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