Using SmartArts Basic Block List For Your Business Presentation
Did you know that if you will spend time learning and understanding PowerPoint, you will discover many useful graphics like SmartArt? SmartArt uses graphics to relay information as clearly as possible and in the most simple way. But aside from this, there are several SmartArt graphics that you can use depending on the information or data that you will present. For example, there is a SmartArt graphic that shows business processes, wherein each process should be followed by another process. If you will skip one process or jump into another one, without going through the previous one, it will make your effort futile or that it will not yield the business result that you are aiming for. However, there is a SmartArt graphic called Basic Block List that you can use for your business presentation.
How To Use A Basic Block List To Make A Good Business Presentation
The SmartArt graphic as shown below uses the Basic Block List, which according to its definition is a graphic that is used to show information that is non-sequential or presented not in the sequence form. Hence, it is not necessary that the block or data on the right side should follow after the block or data on the left. To simply put it, all information or data in each block is inter-related but it doesn’t necessarily follow that the blocks have an order as to what should come first, what should come second and so on and so forth.
A SmartArt Basic Block List Can Help You Display Complex Ideas More Easily
To give it a more concrete example, the ‘Marketin Mix’ or the Five P’s of marketing is presented using the Basic Block List. The 5 P’s is tackled or discussed at length before the implementation of any business plan, and entrepreneurs should know this since proper planning of each will determine or affect the outcome of the business. But as mentioned earlier, it doesn’t necessarily follow that discussing and planning for the Promotion of the Product should strictly follow after the planning and discussion of the Price. An entrepreneur could set the price of the product and based on that price, the entrepreneur will work around his budget to set the types of promotion and people that he will need.
There are instances that some entrepreneurs will identify the type of product or service first before they could plan for the other P’s of marketing. However, there are entrepreneurs who find business inspiration from the Place of Distribution or the Price before they could come up with a Product or service. But regardless on what comes first, may it be the PRODUCT, PRICE, PEOPLE or those you are marketing or selling the product or service and also the people who will be working with you to promote and sell the product or service, (PROMOTION and PLACE), each component is crucial that leaving one behind will negatively affect the outcome of your business.
In a nutshell, you can use the Basic Block List to present crucial component or data that is related or inter-related yet it doesn’t necessarily follow that it should be sequential or in sequence.