Unusual PowerPoint Animations to Delight Your Audience
Last updated on May 24th, 2024
To grab the attention of your audience you can use PowerPoint animations which are unusual. Using novel PowerPoint animations is a little-known trick that many presenters miss out on when designing presentations. There are GIF animations available freely online and you can also use various tools to create or customize a GIF for PowerPoint. You can also download readymade GIF animations that are attention grabbing and visually appealing, by downloading them from third-party developers. Like our below list of the unusual PowerPoint animations to delight your audience.
Rotating Fedora Hat PowerPoint Animation
This is an animation for a rotating fedora hat. Like other animations in this list, you can download this simple animation in GIF, SWF or MOV format with a clear or transparent background. Furthermore, you can also customize the color of the hat, its size, brightness, saturation, shadow and reflection before downloading it.

Go to Presenter Media – Rotating Fedora Hat PowerPoint Animation
Mustache Wiggle PowerPoint Animation
A mustache image is often used to add some humor, discuss the role of men in society or for Father’s Day celebrations. You can use this animation of a wiggling mustache in your PowerPoint slides and add supporting text to make your content unusually appealing.
Go to Presenter Media – Mustache Wiggle PowerPoint Animation
Burning Time PowerPoint Animation
This PowerPoint animation literally represents burning time. You can use it in a number of ways such as to discuss punctuality, time limitations, projects that are behind schedule, etc.
Go to Presenter Media – Burning Time PowerPoint Animation
Led Vs Tungsten PowerPoint Animation
This animation symbolically represents the old and the new or competing ideas fighting each other. To make your animation even more interesting, you can even change the colors of the lights glowing in the bulbs from the developer’s product page.
Go to Presenter Media – Led Vs Tungsten PowerPoint Animation
Conveyor Belt Machine PowerPoint Animation
This is an image of a machine running a conveyor belt. This animation is suitable for topics about a specific industry, product development, mass production, best working practices, production design, product improvement and the like.
Go to Presenter Media – Conveyor Belt Machine PowerPoint Animation
Want more unusual PowerPoint animations to make your slides interesting? You can download thousands of them from a never-ending variety of topics from the link below.
Learn more here Presenter Media - Unusual PowerPoint Animations to Delight Your Audience
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