Tips to Create a Persuasive Sales Speech (Before, During and After)

Last updated on September 24th, 2024

As the arena of sales is growing so is the cut-throat competition, the ocean is getting redder everyday and a new shark is born every second. As a fresher or even an experienced sales person when you are out to impress your clients, you should count all your loopholes and be prepared that your prospect has already researched on the topic. He is not the same knave buyer he used to be, or in the worst case scenario he might have already been approached by bigger and better competitors.

The above remarks might sound disheartening but that is the factual truth. So when going to make a persuasive sales speech you need to follow some guidelines before, during and after pitching. Here is a detailed description of all that one can follow:

Before the Pitch

1. Prepare before a sales speech

Preparation before a sales speech is mandatory and everyone does that. Although we work only on our brighter and better side, this time also ‘count your breakable eggs’. Put yourself in the buyers’ shoes and think what will make him lose interest in your product. The answers will be overwhelming.

2. Work on your present-ability

Work on your present-ability, your and your product’s appearance are equally important. Carry out an analytical research and find out what makes your competitor’s sale better, in terms of present-ability.

3. Timeliness is appreciated

Timeliness is always appreciated and counted as a benefit, reach before time and never cancel a meeting.

During the presentation

1. Patience

Patience they say takes you to places but in the domain of sales speaking the right amount of words at the opportune moment is a talent that never goes unnoticed.

2. Acceptability

Acceptability is of utmost importance in sales, agree with your client never argue with him. Even if you disagree choose the right tone and words to put forward your thoughts.

3. Presence of Mind

Presence of mind, this factor will prove beneficial if you have followed the above advice of ‘counting your breakable eggs’. You will be ready with the answers the buyer will pose in front of regarding the backlogs of your product, so you keep the shield ready.

After completing the presentation

1. Take Feedback

Always take a feedback and ensure that you do not keep it away in a folder but also work on it. Often the client gives his honest opinion and adopting it will prove beneficial in the long run.

2. Build and maintain rapport with the buyer

Build and maintain a rapport with the buyer; although he might not be interested today but if you keep your name fresh in his mind, he might recommend you or approach you in future.

The above mentioned guidelines are applicable but what you learn from your experience is more distinctive and impactful. Therefore, learn from your practical experience as well as that of your colleagues.

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