Visualization Tool

3D Color Histogram

This is an example of a visualization tool that you can use to get some inspiration to make 3D histograms in PowerPoint presentations. In this case, the 3D Color Histogram will use your web cam to analyze the color information and in real time make a 3D Histogram in the browser page. Learn more in …

Thermometer in PowerPoint 2010

A thermometer can be a great visualization tool to be used in conjunction with gauges and other dashboard elements. However, PowerPoint by default do not include this visualization in the SmartArt Gallery or in the available charts. Here we will show you how to make a simple thermometer in PowerPoint 2010 using Shapes. This thermometer … lets you design Infographics that you can use for presentations is the world’s largest community of dataviz and infographics that let you create, explore and share infographics online. This can be a good resource for data presenters and educators to create stunning and awesome infographics for elearning or businesses. By using you can create stunning infographics and share online. Then you can also combine the …