Templates for Mac

Create Interactive Presentations With 8 Interactive Panels Toolkit

Previously, we brought you the Interactive Panels Toolkit, which is one of many Animated PowerPoint Templates by Presenter Media. If you are looking for a similar template with widescreen support and extra panels, then you might find the Eight Interactive Panels Toolkit quite useful. This  widescreen Interactive PowerPoint Template comes with eight panels that interactively …

Animated Environmental Issues PowerPoint Template

Animated Environmental Issues powerPoint Template

Global warming, climate change and other environmental issues have been heavily debated in recent years. The impact of climate change has led to discussion on climate change adaptation, and identifying the means to cut greenhouse emissions. To discuss the broad concept of environmental impact of greenhouse gases, deforestation, air pollution and overconsumption, you can use …

Deadline Animations for PowerPoint

Deadline Animations for PowerPoint

For the responsible professional, deadlines are as important as breathing. But it’s not just people doing some kind of professional work that need to watch out for deadlines. Students, informal commitments with friends and personal goals too require deadlines. The Deadline Animations for PowerPoint provide editable animated slides to help you create amazing presentations.