
How To Rotate A Picture in PowerPoint

Want to rotate an image that doesn’t seem right when inserted into a slide? How about you rotate it! Rotating images is not only easy in PowerPoint but the options are also quite elaborate for formatting your image to perfection, be it for correcting its alignment or showing your audience a picture from a different …

Bring Your Videos & Slides to Life with VCASMO

VCASMO Web Service

If you think that mixing videos and slideshows together the way pros do takes a lot of time and technical knowledge, think again. The impressive videos you may see on YouTube aren’t actually that hard to emulate–thanks to VCASMO.

Best Presentation Makers For 2016

Presentations are no longer confined to PowerPoint as more and more people are looking to walk away from conventional modes of making presentations. This is perhaps the reason for more innovative PowerPoint templates by various template providers like the business presentation templates at SlideModel which deliver exceptional slide layouts and highly editable slide designs. Similarly, …