
Download free science PowerPoint templates and forms for presentations on science projects or scientific work. Free science PowerPoint templates can be used in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and 2013 to impress your MIT professors, roommates and college students.

10 Presentation Tips for Engineers to Succeed in Presenting their Projects

Engineers prepare presentations for various purposes on changing occasions, whether for an exhibition, internal meeting, or customers. Preparing an engaging and compelling slide deck is not child’s play. It demands expertise, sweat, and considerable time to prepare. That is why it is necessary to prepare captivating and persuasive PowerPoint presentations for your projects. In this …

PhET Simulations Bring Interactive Scientific Learning for Students


Scientific simulations are an essential tool for students and teachers to explore different scientific concepts for learning, research, and further study. With the advancement in modern technology, improved methods to generate scientific simulations are now available, such as PhET Simulations. What are PhET Simulations? PhET Interactive Simulations are the brainchild of Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman. …

PowerPoint Template for Scientific Presentations & Academic Projects

With this creative design for PowerPoint presentations, you can now create scientific PowerPoint presentations or slideshows and other academic-related templates. This free Academic PPT template features an atom symbol, and the content slides have a dark blue translucent overlay for better readability of light-colored text. You can download this free template for widescreen PowerPoint presentations …