Remote Meetings

Record Skype Calls With SuperTinTin

Whether you use Skype for online meetings, remote presentations or personal use, you might want to record Skype calls. This might be to provide a copy of your communication (with a client) to your senior management, to keep a copy of your communication for future reference, or maybe to record precious moments when interacting with loved …

Skype Chat Now Available in & OneDrive

If you are an (Hotmail) or OneDrive user who wants to use Skype right from within your internet browser, you can integrate Skype with these Microsoft services. This also means that you can collaborate with Skype contacts real-time while working on your Office Online documents, such as PowerPoint presentation slides or MS Word files.

4 DimDim Alternatives for Online Meetings and Distance Education

DimDim had known the most affordable, open source, easy collaboration for all your online meetings, desktop sharing, eLearning, training, webinar, free web meetings, distance education. Since SalesForce has acquired the popular web conferencing solution Dimdim. Because of which now there is a need to look for some alternatives for all your web conferencing requirements. But …