Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool for presenting ideas on a virtual canvas and online. Prezi uses a state-of-the-art zooming user interface (ZUI) and technology which allows users to zoom in and out of their presentation media, and allows users to display and navigate through information within a 2.5D or parallax 3D space on the Z-axis. Prezi was established in 2009 by co-founders Adam Somlai-Fischer, Peter Halacsy and Peter Arvai.
There are times some of our visitors are asking us about free download PowerPoint software. You should be aware that Microsoft PowerPoint is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. and it is not a free product. However, there are some free alternatives that you may consider depending on what you are need or looking for. …
Did you know that 47% of professionals spend over 8 hours creating presentations? PowerPoint has long been the go-to for creating presentations, but its traditional slide design approach doesn’t always meet today’s evolving presentation needs. Whether you’re a professional, educator, entrepreneur, or student, exploring PowerPoint alternatives can introduce new features, save time, and help your …
Prezi Next is a big new idea to communicate and express something in the form of presentations but not in its custom way of Powerpoint presentation rather a step beyond to it. This new way of communication is somewhat more meaningful, elegant and has a deeper effect on others. These Prezi next designs are scaled …
Prezis are great for making presentations with attractive zooming UIs, however, PowerPoint is more universally available. This might mean that you may have to present a presentation at an event without the Prezi desktop client. While you can always opt for the browser based version of Prezi, embedding Prezis in PowerPoint can give you more …
Anyone who has used the Prezi platform would know that creating a Prezi and uploading it to is easy enough, however when it comes to converting it to a YouTube video, there seems to be no native method of doing so. While you can convert PowerPoint to video formats using a native PowerPoint feature, …
When it comes to visual storytelling and dynamic presentations, nothing beats Prezi. A refreshing, vibrant and dynamic change from slides, Prezi allows you to have a powerful presentation using a limitless blank canvas. And it’s amazing.
So you have a hugely important presentation coming up and you want to leave a good impression on your audience. You want your presentation to genuinely wow your audience with jaw-dropping admiration, but you just have no idea which software to use: the traditional and comfortable PowerPoint or the newer, more unorthodox Prezi? Which presentation …
Recently, one of my friends decided to do something unique with his next presentation. He decided to use Prezi! While he had been planning to use Prezi for a long time, it took him a while to acquaint himself with the platform and he was blown away by the zooming UI in particular. In previous …
Prezi has revolutionized the way people make presentations or at least the perception of how presentations can be made. No longer are slides limited to basic transition effects and static imagery, as the zooming interface of Prezi has paved the way for more innovative developments in the form of fancy HTML based online editors, particularly HTML5 presentation tools.
While it might seem impossible to break the status quo and switch to a presentation app other than PowerPoint or Keynote, however, Prezi seems to be the exception to the rule. Not only has Prezi gained ground in recent years but it is becoming increasingly easy to use Prezi in the wake of some fine …