
Quick Office for Android

QuickOffice recently updated its application for Android smartphone and tablet users and also released the new Quickoffice Pro and Quickoffice Pro HD respectively, with a new set of features enhancing the ability to work with Word, Excel and PowerPoint presentations. The new release includes for example the following list of new features: Advanced PDF annotation …

Buttons in PowerPoint

Call to action buttons are sometimes required in PowerPoint presentations, especially if we want to share presentations online and let users click on the button. In CSS and HTML we can design nice buttons using gradients and button styles, so why we can’t reproduce this in PowerPoint slides? Here we will show you how we …

Software to enhance PowerPoint Presentations

Enhancing PowerPoint presentations is a must in some business situations when we need to close an important deal with a client or perform a great business presentation. Hopefully we can take advance of software packages that automatically enhance our presentations. VisualBee for example is an example. This software will enhance your PowerPoint presentations with a …

Catholic Church investigating how porn slideshow ended up at First Communion class

Roman Catholic Church is investigating how porn slideshow ended up at First Communion class, accordingly to nydailynews. The Catholic Church launched an investigation after an Irish priest inadvertently played a slide show of gay porn to a group of parents who had come for a meeting about their children’s First Communion. Father Martin McVeigh was …

Types of PowerPoint Animations

PowerPoint animations enable you to add animations to presentation elements including text, graphics, charts, and more. It is important to notice the difference between transitions which are applied to slides and animations which are applied to presentation elements. Here we will see some of the animations types available to use in PowerPoint presentations. This can …

Marimekko Charts PowerPoint

Marimekko Charts are widely used in finance projects, economy and also in MBA courses like in Harvard Business School. Marimekko charts are also widely adopted in Marketing for example to analyze customer segmentation and market segmentation. Here we will show you how to build a Marimekko Chart in PowerPoint. Once you have chosen the chart type, you need …

How to Hide a PowerPoint Slide

Hiding slides in PowerPoint is a good way to skip slides during a slideshow presentation without removing the content. By hiding slides in your PPT presentation, you can bypass certain slides without deleting them. This can be very convenient, for example, if you need to finish the slide design or content at a later stage. …