
What are Affinity Diagrams

Affinity diagrams help in organizing large amount of data into their natural relationships thereby helping people in making a decision. It is also commonly known as KJ method named after a famous Japanese anthropologist Kawakita Jiro who made efforts to organize small bits of scattered data into a single, time saving affinity diagram. Information present …

Reroute Connectors in PowerPoint

Reroute Connectors is a feature available in PowerPoint that helps to find the shortest path between two connected objects with lines. Having the line selected (once it is connected between objects or shapes) you can click on Reroute Connector to automatically reroute the lines finding the shortest path. In this example we have used different …

Inculcate Successful Business Presentation Skills

A business presentation has high potential to influence thinking of individuals. The current business scenario highly requires effective business presentation skills. Presentations act as a powerful tool for interaction with customers so that they get to know about all the products and services being offered by a particular industry. People can effectively discuss about current …