Download free PowerPoint presentations and backgrounds for your slides to make slide decks and enhance your presentations with unique illustrations. Learn how to use Smart Art objects and shape techniques to boost your productivity creating PowerPoint presentations.
Spin the wheel tools, also known as random spinners or fortune wheels, are popular for making random selections in a fun and engaging way. Whether you’re hosting a raffle, looking for ways to create engaging PowerPoint presentations, or conducting classroom activities, these tools provide an interactive way to engage an audience. In what is to …
When conducting a high-level meeting it is important to go in with a set agenda. This agenda can be presented before participants to build upon the discussion during a meeting to ensure that all important aspects are duly covered. Often, agendas can get lost in translation if the meeting is not conducted in a systematic …
Making presentations is a combination of merging visuals with information. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that can help you simplify the creation of professional looking slide decks. In a previous post we showed you how to convert Markdown to PowerPoint, this time we will dig deeper into the use of Markdown, as well as …
PowerPoint is often the go-to tool for many people making presentations. While it provides an intuitive interface for creating slides, some individuals might require a streamlined workflow that is in a text-based format. This is where converting PowerPoint files to Markdown (PPTX to MD) can be a game-changer. What Is Markdown, and Why is it …
For many people, taking screenshots may seem like an easy, straightforward thing. You just capture what’s on your screen and you’re done. For those who have to take screenshots off their screens, specifically of their PowerPoint presentations on a daily basis, this can be so much more complex using third-party apps. However, what you may …
Canvas design presentation templates are used for depicting business models with specific details such as; partners, resources, activities, sales channels, value propositions and customer relationships. It’s similar to the Logical Framework or Result Based Management Models which are used for presenting the different stages of a project. Here are some of the best editable Business …
From ancient Greece to modern day architecture there is a timeless formula that has stood the test of time. Known as the Pythagorean Theorem, the formula continues to help us measure the way we design buildings, calculate the shortest path to a destination, and create engineering marvels. In this post, we’ll explore this theorem, its …
World markets are saturated with fierce competition. This competition has been increasing in the wake of global market integration, digital marketplaces, and the ability for consumers to look for products and services not only locally but on a global scale. Competing in such markets can be quite difficult, since the conventional markets or red ocean …
One of the things that can really help you present statistical information in an easy to grasp manner are charts. PowerPoint charts can be a great way of making attractive data visualizations for interpreting and presenting essential data. When making chart slides, the easiest method for saving time and getting the most out of your …
The introduction of Presenter Coach in PowerPoint has transformed the world’s most widely used presentation application into a real-time presentation coach! Many presenters over the years loathed the lack of functional features which resulted in them looking for free PowerPoint templates, presentation coaches and online tutorials to avoid Death by PowerPoint. However, with the new …