Improve your presentations and make stunning slide designs taking advantage of the new PowerPoint effects and animated transitions that you can find in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 and 2010.
Transition effects can add a lot of vigor to an ordinary static presentation. Instead of using the default method of switching between various slides, you can make your presentations look extra special by using transition effects. Let’s explore the Fade Transition Effect and its utility in PowerPoint.
In this article, we will learn about the Morph transition in PowerPoint. Morph transition is one of the most interesting transitions available in Microsoft PowerPoint, which will enable us to make animated presentations with fantastic effects. Remember Prezi? When Prezi was launched one of its most impactful features was the animation flow used in presentations. …
Transition effects in PowerPoint enable users to add attractive effects to make good use of their imagination and to make their slides less monotonous. If you get a little creative with the PowerPoint Transition Effects, you can really amaze your audience by morphing one slide from the other. For example, you can use the Fade …
If you’re looking to add an eye-catching element to any of your PowerPoint presentations, then you need to have some animations to liven up your slides. Animations are a great way to create unique effects and visuals to your slideshows. The Video Fly in & Box Out Effect PowerPoint Template is a captivating animated template that can …
In our series of posts about PowerPoint Transition Effects we have been exploring the various uses of different transitions. For example, we looked at transitions suitable for making introductory slides, transitions that can offer good visual aid for disaster related presentations and also explained the utility of individual transitions like the Honeycomb effect. In this …
What better way to present slides about the solar system than orbiting each slide across the monitor? The Orbit Transition Effect in PowerPoint is a good option for switching your slides in a unique manner, i.e. by switching to the next slide with the orbit effect.
There are various transition effects in PowerPoint that are more suitable for certain types of presentations than being used generically. A few of these PowerPoint Transition Effects are quite suitable for making slides related to travel and tourism, such as the Airplane, Conveyor, Ferris Wheel, Fly Through and Prestige transition effects. In what is to …
Sometimes being as surprised as the audience regarding what to expect next might not be a bad thing. By applying the Random Transition Effect in PowerPoint you can do just that.
Panning a camera is a reference to a rotation of the image resulting in an effect similar to moving your head from one side to another. Panning is often used in filmmaking and by professional cameramen. Interestingly, PowerPoint provides a transition effect that allows you to switch your slides as if you have panned a …
Did you know that you can switch your PowerPoint slides by zooming in or out? The Zoom Transition Effect provides three very useful methods for zooming your slides, i.e you can zoom in to the next slide, zoom out of the current slide to reveal the next slide or zoom and rotate to display the …