PowerPoint 2013

How to Add Image to Text in PowerPoint


When it comes to presentations, a title with a plain background can do more sprucing up without making it too gaudy. One of the best tricks to do this is by adding images to your text. Adding images to your text can help you create that elusive presentation design balance of aesthetic and function. Without …

How to Add Video to Text in PowerPoint


Your audience learns more when your PowerPoint presentation is visual. However, if you fill your presentation with too many images, graphics, and animations, it’s as bad as a text-filled one, if not worse. You have to strike that perfect balance between function and aesthetics with every slide. Furthermore, you have to have something that would …

How to Create a Quiz in PowerPoint


There’s more to PowerPoint than you think. Aside from creating straightforward presentations, reports, and pitches, it can also be used for creating quizzes. PowerPoint-based quizzes make learning so much more fun and interactive, and we’ll show you how to do it with the Multiple Choice Quiz add-in for PowerPoint.