Learn how to add perspective effect to PowerPoint shapes and download free PowerPoint templates with perspective effects. Using PowerPoint 2010 and 2013 you can easily apply perspective effect to 3D objects.
Sometimes we need to make comparisons in PowerPoint. Imagine we need to compare between 3 different options. The standard way to do this is using 3 columns and spread them into the slide. However, we can use some nice 3D shapes in PowerPoint to make comparison slides easier to understand. For example, if you play …
MS PowerPoint is not Autodesk 3D Studio, but you can still create some nice basic 3D shapes using the Format options and adding some depth. Also, there are some shapes that are already prepared for 3D and we will see more in the next paragraphs. This image with a 3D shape and Label was created …
This time we will show you how to create a nice 3D Box in PowerPoint or 3D rectangle so you can decorate your slides with nice 3D images without even knowing about 3D Max or 3D CAD software. You can just take advantage of 3D effects and styles in PowerPoint and create 3D and perspective …
Using PowerPoint shapes and 3D formatting options you can easily create 3D objects. If you need to create a prism in PowerPoint, for example to prepare a nice performance PowerPoint presentation using the concepts behind prism performance, then you can use the 3D objects in PowerPoint to make awesome diagrams and slide designs. You can …
3D Charts is an Android application for creating different types of charts using your Android device. With the help of this app you can create elaborate charts in 3D format in just a matter of seconds. The available charts include dozens of 3D and 2D chart types including Pie, Pyramid, Doughnut, Cone, Funnel, Line, Area, …
Charts play an essential role in displaying data in a way that’s easy to understand. With the advent of 3D charts, your presentations can now gain a new dimension, literally. 3D charts not only add depth and perspective but also make your presentations more visually appealing, making them an effective way to impress your CEO …
Every business requires a thriving strategy in order to achieve success. An effective plan will help in planning and organizing all the available resources in a correct manner. Henry Mintzberg presented five essential points that are really helpful in designing a robust, achievable as well as practical business strategy in 1987. Brief introduction to Mintzberg’s …
Creating 3D Shapes in PowerPoint can be really easy using the common 2D shapes that are available in the shapes collection and then customizing the options (Format Options). We have seen how to convert 2D shapes to 3D in PowerPoint but let’s revisit the topic and explain how to make awesome 3D shapes in PowerPoint …
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