
What is Pecha Kucha?

Pecha Kucha is a concept involving talks, presentations and meetings that is spread around the world, and very popular among the design community.

Pecha kucha (sometimes spelled as just PechaKucha) is the transliteration of an onomatopoetic Japanese term that means “chit chat.”.

The words open, spontaneous, fun, informal, silo-breaking help to describe what Pecha Kucha means and how this kind of presentations brings people together around the world to learn, laugh and connect to each other.

The creators of Pecha Kucha have obtained trademark protection for PechaKucha Night, which is the kind of presentation events held around the world. In this section you can learn more about what is a Pecha Kucha presentation, what’s involved in its technique, and how to create one with PowerPoint, as well to learn more about the Pecha Kucha community.