
How to Customize Your Outlook Inbox


Keeping track of your inbox can be a big drag especially if you have a thousand other things to get done. Soon, you’ll be surprised to see that going over your emails, contacts, and calendars have siphoned out most of your time, time that could have been spent on more pressing matters. When this happens, …

How to Use PayPal from Outlook

Good ol’ Outlook has added some bells and whistles to make it a more savvy email service. And it’s a great move, considering many users today would prefer their apps to be integrated with other services and apps for easier multi-tasking. Aside from Boomerang, Evernote, and Uber, Outlook has added PayPal to its roster of services …

How To Prevent Saving Sent Messages in Outlook 2016

Microsoft’s Outlook is undoubtedly one of the oldest desktop email clients out there. In organizations all over the world, many rely on Outlook’s powerful features to manage their company’s emails. Still, as one of the pioneering email clients, Outlook continued to evolve through the years, improving and adapting its features to address the needs of the market. …