Learn how to conduct online meetings and share PowerPoint presentations online for conferences or multi-purpose online meetings as well as the new trends in global communication with Facebook and Google Hangouts.
Before the spread of COVID 19, working from home was relatively rare for most people. But after pandemic, more and more people are used to working from home. As this advanced, it has become necessary to find ways to look professional on your webcams during remote meetings and virtual presentations for your PowerPoint slides. Many …
Have you ever wondered why some people can deliver a presentation in front of audience while making a direct eye contact with them? Memorization and cue cards are amongst some of the most common methods that enable people to deliver a presentation confidently, but a teleprompter is also a popular tool used for fulfilling this …
As people switch to remote work and online meetings amid Covid-19, there have been a few winners in the battle for remote meeting dominance including platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype. Not everyone is likely to have a glamorous background when working from home. In fact, you might not have the time to fix …
A few years ago we reviewed a video conferencing platform called Zoom. Not many had heard about Zoom a few weeks back however, all that changed after the outbreak of COVID 19. As everyone looked for a reliable video conferencing app, many people ended up using Zoom. It has currently become one of the most …
Meetings and presentations both have a notorious reputation for being dull and therefore counter-productive. This is probably due to a mix of different factors, one of which involves how meetings are organized and moderated. Then, there’s the fact that meetings are often boring and dragging, with the same issues lengthened, the time allotted not fully …
These days, technology has come a long way in bringing people together, even at the workplace. Where once meetings are announced on office bulletin boards or in circulating memos, organizers can easily invite staff with just a few clicks of a button. Thanks to Microsoft Outlook, you can make sure that people know about your …
With Microsoft rolling out with Surface Board and Google with its Jamboard, it’s was a matter of time before Samsung joined the fore. And true enough, it created its own version of a digital interactive whiteboard, called Flip. The Samsung Flip is a digital whiteboard that enables seamless collaboration among people wherever they are and even …
Bomgar is a remote assistance software which provides the utility for administrators to connect to remote computers, tablets and smartphones to provide instant tech support. While Bomgar is by and large a remote support and remote assistance software, it also has a lot of utility for presenters, including a presentation-only interface.
As crowdsourcing and online collaboration have become quite common, it has become necessary for small, medium size and large organizations to organize online meetings and webinars to keep company employees at pace with the proceedings of various projects. Unfortunately, it can be quite expensive to use common online meeting platforms. AnyMeeting is a free online …
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