Office 365

Learn how to use Office 365 or subscribe to Office in the cloud. Office 365 let you download Microsoft Office programs with desktop versions.

New Features in PowerPoint’s Presenter Coach

start rehearsing

The introduction of Presenter Coach in PowerPoint has transformed the world’s most widely used presentation application into a real-time presentation coach! Many presenters over the years loathed the lack of functional features which resulted in them looking for free PowerPoint templates, presentation coaches and online tutorials to avoid Death by PowerPoint. However, with the new …

Microsoft Loop: Think, Plan and Create Together


Microsoft’s ever expanding suite of Microsoft 365 apps continue to provide productivity tools to help enhance the way people work together. Microsoft Loop is one such app, which provides online collaboration options with the support of Copilot, Microsoft’s AI powered orchestration engine. What is Microsoft Loop? Microsoft Loop provides workspaces that can be used to …

How To Animate Slide Objects Using Morph in PowerPoint

In this article, we will learn about the Morph transition in PowerPoint. Morph transition is one of the most interesting transitions available in Microsoft PowerPoint, which will enable us to make animated presentations with fantastic effects. Remember Prezi? When Prezi was launched one of its most impactful features was the animation flow used in presentations. …

10 Best Apps that Bring PowerPoint on iPad

PowerPoint being one of the most famous presentation applications in the world has lacked support for mobile devices, until now. In recent years we have not only seen a rise in quality mobile apps that provide editing and viewing support for PowerPoint files but even Microsoft has now officially released mobile and web apps that …

Immersive Reader in PowerPoint

Immersive Reading PowerPoint

Learning abilities and age can have an impact in the way people are able to read text and process information on digital tools. Moreover, a stressful work routine can make it harder to concentrate and increase the chances of making errors that can affect workplace performance. A more immersive reading experience can help avoid these …