
How to Insert a Line in PowerPoint

Lines are very useful to design diagrams, charts or just remark some ideas. You can also use lines to separate concepts or content in your presentation slide or you can also make awesome arrows with lines. In PowerPoint you can insert lines easily using shapes. To insert a line in PowerPoint just need to go …

How to Copy Exact Position of PowerPoint Objects

Check Horizontal and Vertical Positions

PowerPoint has always been the go-to presentation tool for many. From beginners to students to professionals, PowerPoint has been a reliable tool for delivering small to large amounts of information. Over the years, the slide-based application has developed features and tools that allow presenters to create captivating and visually interesting presentations. Aside from straightforward texts …

Creating a Prism in PowerPoint 2010

Creating 3D Objects in PowerPoint 2010

Using PowerPoint shapes and 3D formatting options you can easily create 3D objects. If you need to create a prism in PowerPoint, for example to prepare a nice performance PowerPoint presentation using the concepts behind prism performance, then you can use the 3D objects in PowerPoint to make awesome diagrams and slide designs. You can …

Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object

Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object is a kind of object that allows you to embed Excel data including charts and tables in any other application. This object can be very handy if you need to insert Excel data into any other software and dynamically update the data in your target software every time the Excel spreadsheet …