Microsoft Office has LIP language packs that you can install to set up your Office installation with a different language than the original MS Office language. Using the Language Interface Packs you can switch MS Office programs like Excel, PowerPoint, Word to any other different language of your choice. For example, if you want to have your interface in English then you can change from Spanish to English by installing the English LIP. It is free to download.
You can change the default Office language to any other language available as a LIP (or language pack). The process to install language pack is easy. You just need to purchase or download the language pack (see here for more information about translating your Office) and then run the installer. To learn more about how …
If you need to change the program language in Office 2010 then it is easy to achieve. First you’d need to locate the language pack and install it from the Microsoft website. You can freely download ScreenTips installer which will translate your screen tooltips to any language. This tool is free and you can download …
It is possible for you to write your PowerPoint presentation, or any other Microsoft Office document, in more than 50 different languages and still be able to proof-read your text. This is especially useful if you intend to put some text in your presentation using another language and still be able to check it for …
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