
Free Keynote Presentation Templates

If you are looking to prepare your next Keynote presentation and looking for free Keynote templates then you can get tons of free layout designs, backgrounds and ready made Keynote templates to use for your next presentation. Our site is about PowerPoint but easily you can import our free PPT templates into Keynote templates to …

Reveal.js: PowerPoint, Prezi And Impress.js Alternative for Presentations

While most people use Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote for making presentations, other platforms are also gradually gaining popularity. Some examples include Prezi, video presentation platforms like Personify and impress.js. In a previous post we brought you a detailed overview of the impress.js platform, this time we are going to cover Reveal.js, which is an HTML …

A Brief Introduction to Keynote

A Brief Introduction to Keynote

The Presentation software application, Keynote first began as a computer program for CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, in order to make presentations for Apple Keynote events and Macworld conference.  Today, it’s actually competing against other Presentation Software like Microsoft PowerPoint as it has some useful and powerful tools which helps in creating captivating presentations. Keynote …

Create Presentations That Marvel And Excite With Eugene Cheng

Whenever people think about making presentations, they often overlook the possibility of using attractive graphics within their content. This is because most PowerPoint users benefit from readymade templates and do not think about outside the box ideas that can make their presentations more engaging. Eugene Cheng is a freelance graphic and presentation designer who provides …

Share Image And PDF Presentations Online With SlideSnack

SlideSnack is a web service for sharing presentations online. It works pretty much like SlideOnline, with the exception that users cannot directly share PowerPoint presentations and require converting presentations to PDF or JPG format before they can be uploaded. As many devices are not compatible with presentation applications like Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote and OpenOffice files, …

Bargain Keynote Templates for Presentations

Finding good templates that are cheap is not always easy. Today we would like to show you a partner website where to download cheap and awesome templates for Keynote presentations. At GraphicsRiver you can purchase cheap templates for Keynote and PowerPoint presentations provided by different presentation specialists and providers. The catalog of Keynote templates allows …