Learn how to apply effects into your PowerPoint slides and make animated effects in PowerPoint or apply effects to shapes in PowerPoint as well as other text effects and styles.
Transition effects can add a lot of vigor to an ordinary static presentation. Instead of using the default method of switching between various slides, you can make your presentations look extra special by using transition effects. Let’s explore the Fade Transition Effect and its utility in PowerPoint.
In this article, we will learn about the Morph transition in PowerPoint. Morph transition is one of the most interesting transitions available in Microsoft PowerPoint, which will enable us to make animated presentations with fantastic effects. Remember Prezi? When Prezi was launched one of its most impactful features was the animation flow used in presentations. …
There are special cases where you may be interested to curve text in PowerPoint diagrams or presentations. Normally, the curved text and WordArt effects may not be useful at all unless you have specific needs. For example, designing a circular diagram in PowerPoint may require you to curve the text inside the cycle diagram in order …
Recently we showed you how to change the background color in PowerPoint. This article will show you how you can add a gradient background to your slides and presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint. How to Add a Gradient Background in PowerPoint To apply a gradient as the background for the slide in PowerPoint, you need to …
Video editing is no longer limited to editing professionals, as many amateur content creators are now producing content using mobile devices and DSLR cameras. However, using advanced editing applications is still quite challenging for most people. This is why modern content creators require easy to use editing apps that can help them produce professional-looking videos. …
Transition effects in PowerPoint enable users to add attractive effects to make good use of their imagination and to make their slides less monotonous. If you get a little creative with the PowerPoint Transition Effects, you can really amaze your audience by morphing one slide from the other. For example, you can use the Fade …
If you need to make a simple page curl transition in PowerPoint then you can use the shape points to achieve this desired output. Let’s see how to convert a shape and make a page curl effect that can be used as a shadow for pictures or other shapes. Starting from a rectangular shape we …
You can apply a simple but nice effect in PowerPoint to make translucent letters that do not require WordArt styles. Here we will show you how to make translucent letter effect that you can also use for numbers and other shapes or objects. How to Make Letters Transparent in PowerPoint? To make this effect for letters …
In recent years there has been an influx of some interesting image editing apps which allow retouching images without the complexity of PhotoShop. While many apps like Prisma or Photo Lab come with basic filters, there are better options for comprehensively retouching your images without the need for extensive knowledge about image editing. Fotor image …
If you’re looking to add an eye-catching element to any of your PowerPoint presentations, then you need to have some animations to liven up your slides. Animations are a great way to create unique effects and visuals to your slideshows. The Video Fly in & Box Out Effect PowerPoint Template is a captivating animated template that can …