
5+ Best Flowchart Makers (Free & Non-free tools)

A flowchart is a representation of a process that shows various steps in diagrammatic representation, describing the process’s step-by-step parts. Making flowcharts isn’t the easiest thing to do and even with elaborate options in applications like Microsoft PowerPoint, one can make a mess of things when attempting to make a flow chart. This article, will …

Tracing Illustrations in PowerPoint

PowerPoint gives you a basic set of tools that you can use to trace objects and images. Of course PowerPoint is not intended to be used as a tracing software like Adobe Illustrator, Vectorize.ai or InkScape but you can still use the tools to trace images. Tracing in art is known as copying an object …

How to Group Pictures in Word

group objects to modify them at the same time

Over the decades, Microsoft Word has improved its features allowing you to input text and incorporate many kinds of objects into the documents. These objects, such as images and shapes, can be easily formatted, customized, and manipulated. So whether you are preparing reports, analyses, manuscripts, brochures or any other document, you can easily make it …