Learn how to use conference call software to conduct online meetings and presentations with PowerPoint. Nowadays there are tons of new conference call and meeting software that we can use to share presentations online with an audience over the Internet. Here you can find articles relevant to conference call and meetings and learn how to use Microsoft Lync and other tools like TeamViewer to conduct presentations online or use Skype to share the screen with a remote party.
Since many people around the world now require regularly conducting online meetings, it has become imperative to ensure that people appear presentable during Live video calls. This unfortunately isn’t always easy, as hiding your background might be necessary at times to morph the rather messy background or to give a look and feel to the …
Presenter View has long been a handy feature in PowerPoint which allows the presenter to access handy tools while presenting slides. As Microsoft Teams has become one of the most widely used remote meeting applications, Microsoft has now introduced PowerPoint Presenter View for Microsoft Teams. With the new features, you can present your PowerPoint presentations …
Zoom is a video conferencing service that has been around for almost a decade. As the COVID-19 pandemic led to increased use of video calling services, Zoom emerged as one of the top apps in use around the world. However, the platform was soon marred by privacy concerns, hackers and questions regarding its encryption. If …
These days, companies are willing to pay a premium for technologies and gadgets that allow them to easily and seamlessly collaborate. After all, today’s buzzword revolves around collaboration and taking advantage of cloud technology. So whether you are working on a science project or conceptualizing for the next big app, you know that your team …
Recording Skype video calls can help keep a copy of official communication for later reference. Some Skype video calls might even be helpful in making video presentations, as some demonstrative procedures could be recorded during a screen sharing session or an online presentation. Even people who use Skype for personal use might want to record …
Whether you use Skype for online meetings, remote presentations or personal use, you might want to record Skype calls. This might be to provide a copy of your communication (with a client) to your senior management, to keep a copy of your communication for future reference, or maybe to record precious moments when interacting with loved …
A while back we came across a blog post at Engage Their Minds which provided a brief review of Zoom, a web conferencing app. The post seemed interesting as it presented Zoom as an alternative for Google Hangouts and Skype. We decided to take Zoom for a spin and found it worth a review. In what …
Online meetings are becoming more of a rule rather than the exception. This is not only because of better remote meeting tools but also because many small and medium size businesses now hire employees remotely from across the globe. When conducting remote meetings you need to have a platform that can allow you to step out …
When it comes to remote meetings, it can always help to have the utility to view conference attendees. This is because viewing an individual on-screen during remote communication allows you to understand not just the voice but also the body language. Many a times what we fail to understand when listening to someone is made …
When we think of Skype, classrooms don’t really come to mind. However, the use of Skype in the classroom is becoming more common than you might think. Thanks to Microsoft, you can now engage your students using Skype with an entire curriculum. Teachers can connect their students with classrooms globally to play the Mystery Skype Game …