
Spider Gap Analysis in PowerPoint

In this tutorial you will learn to make a gap analysis chart. This kind of chart is also known as a spider gap chart, spider chart, and by the name used in PowerPoint—radar chart. The gap analysis chart is great for showing the current and target strengths of something (a company, team, etc.), priorities by …

How to Make a Waterfall Chart in PowerPoint

The Waterfall Chart is a nice chart that helps to illustrate the change. This kind of chart is very effective and intuitive to use in PowerPoint presentations to show the total change along with a breakdown of the individual components that have driven a change. Unfortunately, PowerPoint didn’t come with this chart type in their gallery …

Merging Arrows Animated Flowchart PowerPoint Template

In previous posts we have covered various flowchart PowerPoint templates. These templates are handy for making flowcharts in PowerPoint, with precise symbols, to depict a process. Some of our previously covered flowchart templates were also compiled in a list post of the Best Animated Flowchart PowerPoint Templates. This time we have another animated flowchart template for …

Create Professional looking Organizational Charts With Images with OrgPlus

Creating professionally looking board room charts aren’t easy and many applications that offer making such charts can be either hard to use or might not provide a desirable output. OrgPlus is a desktop application that has been designed to automate the creation of organizational charts. With OrgPlus you can import data from an Excel sheet …

Best Infographic Templates for PowerPoint

Want to make printable infographics using PowerPoint? Or do you wish to present your slides with infographics? Infographic templates for PowerPoint can help you create Infographic designs using flexible slide layouts and graphics, with clipart, animations and well placed placeholders that can help you visually represent your content with a clean layout and attention grabbing …