
New Features of Office 2019

PowerPoint 2019 Edition

Microsoft is starting to unveil its latest masterpiece–Office 2019 slowly. Before this, people in the technology sphere have been abuzz with the features that Office 2019 will bring to the table. Now that their giving previews of its features, the mystery is slowly being lifted. But when will it be released? What can we expect? …

How to Make Mockup Presentations with PowerMockup

create mockup presentations

Making mockups and prototyping should be easy! Many developers have to go through the process of creating prototypes, taking screenshots or adding images to PowerPoint slides, only to end up being told by the client that this is not what they want. This can be frustratingly time consuming. With a PowerPoint add-in called PowerMockup, you …

Best Behavioral Economics Marketing Strategies and Presentation Ideas

Loss Aversion

Sometimes, the price of a product isn’t as low as perceived by the consumer. However, certain connotations such as using psychological pricing (e.g., $0.99) can shift consumer preference in an irrational way towards a product. Understanding this behavior requires understanding how people think and behave, regardless of what might appear rational. This is best understood …