
Benefits of Shapes vs. Pictures in PowerPoint

Benefits of Shapes vs. Pictures in PowerPoint

PowerPoint and its features let you edit and create slide demonstrations, depicting an interesting and sometimes and arty look. Adding more improvisations with the launch of its new versions, it has certainly extended the realms of projecting your creativeness through presentations. From Boring to Vibrant Now your audience looks forward to something creative, in terms …

Best Animated Technology PowerPoint Templates

If you need to find the best animated technology PowerPoint templates for your technology presentations then by far the templates provided by PresenterMedia are the right option. After you get the annual subscription you can download unlimited technology templates for PowerPoint and cliparts to use in your presentations. The animated technology templates available on PresenterMedia …

Taking Notes in the Classroom

You must have done these throughout your school and college days and for some like me; it becomes a habit that cannot be shed. Taking notes in the classroom, is taught to us so that we do not lose track of what is going on and are able to take down things according to our …

Mindjet: Create Mind Maps, Brainstorm And Manage Projects From Anywhere

There are many desktop, mobile and web apps for creating mind maps and to brainstorm ideas. However, there are very few platforms that offer robust collaboration options. Mindjet is a web service and desktop application which allows creating mind maps, brainstorming ideas, organizing information, managing projects and collaborating with other users. Mindjet provides many interactive …