Tag Cloud for PowerPoint presentations
If you want to embed Tag Clouds in PowerPoint then maybe you already know about Wordle. It is a simple tool that generate nice tag cloud images. You can copy and paste the tag cloud into your presentation, but there are some other tools online that make the task easier for those who don’t want to deal with Print Screen and then pasting to PowerPoint.
TagClowd is a good alternative for creating tag clouds for PowerPoint or any other purpose.
Once you open the site you will be asked to paste a text into the text area. For example, I copied the article we wrote about Pecha Kucha PowerPoint and pasted it there.
Afterwards you need to click on Visualize and an image like the above will be displayed.
You can opt to generate the tag cloud from a web page, a text or uploading a document file. There are some basic options that you can control for the output tag cloud, but maybe many will agree that Wordle has many additional configuration options.
Once you are ready you can export the results as a PDF, HTML or for print. Then you just need to open your PowerPoint and embed the PDF or tag cloud image into the slide. This is not a PowerPoint addin, this is just a web application that will generate a tag cloud for you. Unfortunately the service doesn’t have an API for Tag cloud that you can use from an external program.
Go to Tagclowd
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