Project Cost Tracker Template For Excel 2013
Successful project management requires thorough organization and keeping close track of your project’s activities. It also includes being on top of your costs and expenditures. To be effective in project management means that you are able to accomplish your project goals according to schedule and within the allocated budget.
The Project Cost Tracker Template for Excel 2013 is one of the project management templates that allows you to track time and expenses. You can keep close watch and manage your resources for your multiple employees, contractors and vendors or suppliers. The template allows reporting for up to eight weeks, and reports on-going totals for the entire project at the bottom.
Simply Add Data To View Results Automatically
The Project Cost Tracker Template for Excel 2013 is designed for efficient encoding and display of data. You can simply input all your figures and these are automatically updated with the built-in formula so you can instantly see the computation results.
Easy Data Filtering Options
The look of this project tracking template is sleek, clean and professional. It displays the company name and then you can also type in the name of the project you are tracking. The dates can be easily seen, as well as the columns for the summaries and categories. You can easily minimize the information you don’t need to see by simply clicking on the convenient Outline Symbols so you can view project details as a summary or in its expanded version.
Resources And Vendors List
The Project Cost Tracker Template also has a separate column for the many Resources for your project, as well as another set of separate columns and rows for Vendors. In the Resources column, you can include the rates for initiation/planning, installation/development/testing, deployment, operational/maintenance rates, and the total hours on each of these items for a particular set of dates. The resources information is displayed for each day of the project duration and the template also provides the summary. The same goes for Vendors information. All these expenses and hours are then summarized on a weekly basis, with an overall total at the end of each row or category.
At the bottom of the Project Cost Tracker Template are summaries both for Resources and Vendors, displayed separately.
To download this handy Project Cost Tracker Template for Excel 2013, just go to