PowerPoint Proofing

PowerPoint Proofing is a feature in PowerPoint that allows us to enable a proofreading mechanism to our presentations. This feature can help us to support the proofreading task when we need to correct and format the text in our PPT slides, even if you are finishing a presentation in PowerPoint or making a PowerPoint template. …

Create HTML 5, Flash And iOS Animations With Articulate Storyline

Articulate Storyline is an application for creating e-learning courses, animated children’s stories and other kind of animations from MS PowerPoint. It allows importing PowerPoint slides and a range of items from Articulate Studio Pro applications, including Articulate Engage and Articulate Quizmaker. Furthermore, you can also record and import screencasts to add them to your animations. …

How to kick the habit: PowerPoint abuse

Megan Hustad introduced an article today in CNN Money where she covered about how to kick the habit on PowerPoint abuse. How many people use PowerPoint? Accordingly to the report, Microsoft doesn’t track PowerPoint usage numbers but a spokesperson confirmed that Office is used by one billion people worldwide. From this assumption we can guess …

Create Awesome E-learning Courses In MS PowerPoint With Articulate Studio Pro

Articulate Studio ‘09 Pro is a desktop application suite for creating e-learning presentations with MS PowerPoint. This software package contains the Articulate Video Encoder ‘09 software, along with other applications including Articulate Presenter ‘09, Articulate Engage ‘09 and Articulate Quizmaker ‘09. In this post we will show you how to create awesome e-learning courses in …