Printing Options in PowerPoint

PowerPoint has some advanced printing options that can help us to prepare the PPT presentation for print. Printing PowerPoint presentations is not something too unusual since it is well known that presenters usually deliver a printed version of the presentation for example in a conference, remote meeting or even teachers in the classroom. So, learning …

Scrapbook in PowerPoint for Mac

Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Mac comes with a feature not available for Windows users that you can use  in a way pretty similar to Windows clipboard but with the main difference that you can save and organize the clips for later use. It is Scrapbook feature in Office 2011 for Mac. This scrapbook feature has …

Digital Photo Album in PowerPoint

PowerPoint 2010 has a nice feature that helps you to make a digital Photo Album with a few clicks. By using the Photo Album feature you can create a nice Photo Album presentation in PowerPoint embedding your favorite photos and pictures. This can be really great and handly to make a family photo album as …