How to Cite a PowerPoint

You must have attended a conference presentation or meeting where people get notes on PowerPoint presentation, you would cite it as public address or sometimes lecture may be, right? For Example: Milton, Laurie.  “Nutrition” PowerPoint presentation. Embassy Suites, Lexington, KY. 19 Mar 2010. However, if it is accessed on internet it will be cited as web …

Prototyping Spectrum from Low Fidelity to High Fidelity

With the help of presentation bundles from Keynotopia, it is finally possible to create interactive High Fidelity prototypes quickly and cheaply. Keynotopia offers a collection of templates containing UI design components to transform your favorite presentation application into the best rapid prototyping tool for creating mobile, web and desktop app mockups. Originally, when you needed to …

Giving a Presentation at a Job Interview

Possibility to get a job literally depends on quality presentation for job interviews these days. You just can not afford to give a poor presentation since thousands of candidates are there in your competition. Here are some key points that will help you to create an effective presentation: 1. To begin with a compelling presentation, …

Survey Report : Conduct Surveys To Find Out What Co-Workers Really Think About You

Ever wanted to know what your colleagues really thought about you? Why not conduct an anonymous survey? Survey Report is a web service that uses the LinkedIn platform to gather anonymous feedback from your professional contacts using surveys. Survey Report provides you with an innovative new way of finding out what your colleagues might think …

Convert Documents Online with Doocu

With Doocu you can easily convert documents online and share with your colleagues. This is a simple web app to convert, upload and share documents. Unlike other common services, Doocu allows you to upload images or even Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint presentations .ppt files) and automatically convert them into PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format). Additionally, …

4 DimDim Alternatives for Online Meetings and Distance Education

DimDim had known the most affordable, open source, easy collaboration for all your online meetings, desktop sharing, eLearning, training, webinar, free web meetings, distance education. Since SalesForce has acquired the popular web conferencing solution Dimdim. Because of which now there is a need to look for some alternatives for all your web conferencing requirements. But …