Microsoft’s Zero Effort Payments (ZEP)

Zero-effort Payments is a Microsoft Research group including 11 researchers, investigating ways that mobile-payment security for Windows Phone could be enhanced even further. This group have been researching on mobile payments space and supermarkets. Imagine that you walk into a store, select an item to purchase, and approach the cash register. A wireless-proximity transmitter within …

Clipart PowerPoint Collection

If you want to use PowerPoint cliparts offline then there is a PowerPoint trick that you will learn here that will take advantage of the clipart PowerPoint collection. PowerPoint Collection is also known as the Microsoft Office Clip Art Organizer and you can access it under Microsoft Office Tools menu. This program will allow you to …

Find Job Opportunities Related To Creative Work At Coroflot

Many freelancers use crowdsourcing websites like ODesk and Elance, which provide a diverse range of jobs opportunities from various employers willing to outsource their work. However, some websites exclusively concentrate on a specific market niche where freelancers and employers are given the chance to interact and do business related to a precise line of work. If you …