Free Fresh Food Template for PowerPoint


Restaurateurs, food enthusiasts, or entrepreneurs and employees in the food industry may find the need to go to conferences, food exhibits and even do their own presentations once in awhile  These activities help the company, a restaurant for example, to promote its product. Presentation in the food industry may also help demonstrate trends, best practices, latest …

Wedding Budget Template for Excel


A wedding is a very special moment in the life of almost every couple in love. Thoughts of weddings bring about good cheer and a string of happy congratulations to the soon-to-be-husband and wife. However, with weddings may come overwhelming emotions and stress as well. There are so many things to think of: preparations, guests, …

Preview PowerPoint Files on Google Drive

Google Drive (also known as Google Docs) now let you quickly preview more than 30 file types including PowerPoint presentations (.ppt presentations). This is great to quickly flip between files until you find the one you want. To see a preview of a Google document or .ppt presentation, right-click on the file name and select “preview”. …