Make Your Stand-up Presentations Standout

Last updated on July 3rd, 2024

Stand-up presentation

A stand-up meeting is a meeting in which attendees typically participate while standing. Normally, the purpose of a stand-up meeting is to keep the meeting short as it may generate discomfort for the attendees and the presenter.

Stand-up meetings are used in a variety of business scenarios, for instance the “daily stand-up” from Extreme Programming framework, recommended participants stand up to encourage keeping the meeting short.

It is also a concept present in the Scrum framework, as “Daily Scrum”, alluding to the huddle-like appearance of a rugby scrum.

Jim Meisenheimer suggests some good tips to improve your stand-up presentations for salespeople. Here’s the situation he proposes.  You have to give a 30-minute presentation or speech to a group of 27 purchasing agents.  If you’re put in this situation would any of the following apply?

  • You would definitely be nervous.
  • You would definitely have butterflies in your stomach.
  • You would rather go to the bathroom than give this presentation.
  • You have this “I can’t explain it” fear of public speaking.

He suggests 17 ideas you may be able to use during your next standup presentation or meeting. The first one is:

Focus on what you want them to remember. Prepare your presentation with the end in mind.  Imagine having three interns asking all participants what they took away from your presentation – what would you want them to say?  What you would want them to say should be the focus of your presentation.  And don’t overdo it.  People won’t take away 18 ideas in a 30-minute presentation.

Discover the remaining 16 ideas in the following post 17 Ways To Make Your Stand-up Presentations Standout

Suppose your team is remote and distributed across different countries. In that case, you can find it complicated to run standup meetings in the usual way.

In the age of AI, there are standup meeting AI bots. Standup bots run meetings asynchronously at employees’ local time – this is what they stand out for. Consequently, they perform as must-have digital project management assistants. Although repetitive process automation is considered the essential feature, bots also provide a lot of valuable things remote teams need:

  • Track work progress, business metrics, obstacles
  • Offer pre-filled templates for all scrum events
  • Integrate with popular task trackers and other team tools to enrich reports with external data to provide more progress visibility
  • Extract data from your Data Bases and share key metrics with the team and stakeholders
  • Simple polls
  • Automate other agile workflows (retrospectives, 360 feedback reviews, 1-on-1, planning poker, backlog grooming, and more)

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