Make Your Presentation Flow Like A Story
Whether the objective of your presentation is to educate an audience or persuade them, mere depiction of facts and figures serves only half the purpose or even less than that. Getting into the skin of an excellent presenter to deliver an exciting presentation will take a lot of work. Besides the regular ifs and buts that are part of every presentation, there is one essential aspect, that most of us need in the presentation style!
It needs to be understood that no one is going to bother about a sluggish disinterested speaker reading text from his reference notes. Instead, the presenter must sound charismatic and present ideas creatively, just like a story flows smoothly. But, mastering the art of storytelling is not easy either. Therefore, here is a list of tips to make your presentation flow like a story.
- To begin with, creating a storyline must be the foremost concern. Thus, structure your presentation in a way that a logical flow is maintained throughout. Say for instance, you can employ the technique of using informative content and a bit of healthy humor in conjunction so as to add relevance and interest to the script.
- The next point in the list is about being a good storyteller; it’s about being someone who uses complete body to communicate ideas. The compassion must be clearly visible from how well you maintain eye contact with the audience and how much heed you pay into inviting audience to participate in the discussion.
- Before you conclude that a good script has nothing to do with slide designing, allow us to correct you, because images do lend a depth to your opinion. So, design slides with the view to support your content.
On the whole, craft a nice beginning, develop the content in the middle and end the entire idea on a powerful note.
However, the sad part is that most presenters need to connect with their hopeful audience. This is because making a presentation flow like a story is not about overly structuring slides with gratuitous texts. Instead, storytelling is an approach to reflect a journey from what is to what it could be. It’s your way of delivering a message that is easy to grasp, remember, and restate.
So, the next time you make a presentation; just make sure that the expression of your idea is as good as is the concept and win over audience’s heart.