K-12 School Expense Calculator For Excel
K-12 is an education curriculum that starts from kindergarten to twelfth grade. If you have children who are between 4 to 19 years old, then you will most likely make them go through this curriculum, which would take many years of studying, as well as expenses. Also, if you have kids and you want to prepare for school, you need to know just how much you need to save in order to support them through K-12 education.
To help you calculate the expenses that come with K-12 education, you will need the K-12 School Expense Calculator for Excel. This calculator template is a handy, convenient, and specialized calculator that will help you easily plan and prepare for your children’s education.
Prepare for Your Child’s K-12 Education
This template features a single worksheet that has specially-designed tables to help you calculate your expenses for making your child or children study in the K-12 curriculum. This worksheet template has a specialized table for General Information, Expenses at a Glance, Accommodations & Food, Transportation, School Expenses, College Expenses, Activities, and General Expenses.
The General Information contains all the data about the student such as student name, guardian, start date/year, end date/year, and city. There is also Expenses at a Glance, which automatically calculates and shows school expenses, college expenses, accommodations & food, transportation, activities, and general expenses. These expense categories are then broken down into smaller tables which you can see in the right-hand side of the worksheet.
Keep Track of K-12 School Expenses
The school expenses, meanwhile, show the tuition fee, PTA fee, sports uniform fee, and lab fee. You can even add more rows if you have other school fees or expenses specific for the school your child is attending. The college expenses also have detailed expenses such as admission fees, senior class ring, entrance exam, and many more.
All the tables, expenses, and expense categories can be customized to suit your own K-12 education and expense needs. You can even print this or share this online by saving this to your OneDrive account and using the sharing tools available there.
You can also have other members of your family, such as your spouse or the students themselves edit and view the K-12 Expense Calculator through Excel Online. This way you can easily and conveniently access the calculator template anywhere you are, using any mobile device or computer.